

熊猫 2024-10-22 4次浏览




1、基本含义:Do作为动词时,意为“做;实现;完成”,She does her homework every day.(她每天做作业。)

2、强调动作:在动词后加上-ing,可以强调动作正在进行或持续发生,He is doing his work.(他正在工作。)

3、强调结果:在动词后加上-ed,可以强调动作已经完成或强调结果,She has finished her homework.(她已经完成了作业。)


1、基本含义:Do作为名词时,意为“做;实现;完成”,She gives a good performance in the show.(她在节目中表现出色。)

2、引申含义:除了表示具体的动作外,Do还可以引申为“成就;功绩;作业”等含义,He has made great contributions to the society.(他对社会做出了巨大贡献。)


1、基本含义:Do作为形容词时,意为“做的;实现的;完成的”,The book is written by a well-known writer.(这本书是由一位著名的作家写的。)

2、引申含义:除了表示具体的动作外,Do还可以引申为“合法的;正当的”等含义,The project is illegal and not sustainable.(这个项目是非法的,不可持续的。)


1、基本含义:Do作为副词时,意为“做;实现;完成”,She sings beautifully.(她唱得很美。)

2、强调程度:在动词后加上-ing,可以强调程度,He is singing loudly.(他正在大声唱歌。)

3、强调结果:在动词后加上-ed,可以强调结果,She has finished the homework.(她已经完成了作业。)


1、Do something:意为“做某事”,She does her homework every day.(她每天做作业。)

2、Do nothing:意为“什么都不做”,He does nothing all day long.(他整天无所事事。)

3、Do well in something:意为“在某事上做得好”,She does well in her studies.(她在学业上表现出色。)

4、Do poorly in something:意为“在某事上做得不好”,He does poorly in his job.(他在工作上表现不佳。)

5、Do something for someone:意为“为某人做某事”,She does something for her friends.(她为朋友们做了些事情。)

6、Do something to someone:意为“对某人做某事”,She does something to her baby.(她对婴儿做了些什么。)

7、Do something about something:意为“关于某事的做法”,She does something about her problem.(她关于她的问题采取了一些行动。)

8、Do something from something:意为“从某物中取出或制作某物”,She does something from her pocket.(她从口袋里拿出了一些东西。)

9、Do something to something else:意为“将某物转换为另一物”,She does something to her old clothes to make them new again.(她将旧衣服改造成了新衣服。)

10、Do something with someone else:意为“与某人一起做某事”,She does something with her sister.(她与妹妹一起做了一些事情。)

11、Do something without someone else:意为“没有某人一起做某事”,She does something without her friends.(她没有朋友们一起做了一些事情。)

12、Do something in place of someone else:意为“代替某人做某事”,She does something in place of her brother.(她代替哥哥做了一些事情。)

13、Do something for the sake of someone else:意为“为了某人的利益而做某事”,She does something for the sake of her children.(她为了孩子们的利益而做了一些事情。)

14、Do something out of someone else's interest:意为“出于某人的兴趣而做某事”,She does something out of her own interest.(她出于自己的兴趣而做了一些事情。)

15、Do something with the intention of someone else:意为“怀着某人的意图而做某事”,She does something with the intention of hurting someone.(她怀着伤害某人的意图而做了一些事情。)

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